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Adjust Your Desktop with Ubuntu Tweak 0.7

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Once you do Install Ubuntu Precise Pangolins not complete if you do not install Ubuntu Tweak. I would advise you to install it, this is a must-have tools in every your Ubuntu system.
Ubuntu Tweak 0.7
Some of the main features of the existing tools in Ubuntu Tweak 0.7 of this include:
  • The return of the four features that were previously removed in version 0.6 has now returned: App Center, Source Center, Templates and Scripts.
  • Integrated Source Center with PPA features Purge and App Center to view Installed Apps. 
  • Janitor with a clear increase in the application cache
  • Global Fuzzy search (to search for all offered Tweak Ubuntu Tweak) 
  • QuickLists editor to edit icons Unity Launcher
  • Login settings for Ubuntu 12:04 (login sound plays, and the login window theme selection grid) 
  • Unity and setting a new Workspace
  • The existence of the installation theme (this time a new icon theme) 
  • HUD and hit disable shortcut overlay
Ubuntu Tweak 0.7 display screen as you can see there have been several changes compared to Ubuntu Tweak UI 0.6, adding scrollable and search entries. How to Tweak Ubuntu 0.7 operation is very simple, when you run it and enter the word in an entry with a keyword search like a tweak, theme, font and sound. Ubuntu Tweak will provide results that match the keywords you are referring to, then you can press tab to navigate and to the target. If you want to disable the 'HUD' but do not know where, then you just type the word 'hud' in the search box, What is your comment?
Search Entry
There is an additional feature 'Install Theme' before the version 0.6 does not exist, it is helpful if you want to install the Theme of a third party.
Differences Ubuntu Tweak version 0.6 and 0.7
Ubuntu Tweak 0.7 also allows to tweak the latest technology from the desktop Unity. Unity may be setting her off the HUD and the Shortcut Overlay Hit if you do not need is felt. If you mess up any existing display on the desktop either intentionally or unintentionally, do not worry because now there is a way to restore the default settings by pressing the Reset button.
Unity Tweak
Compiz settings have been simplified with a new name called Workspace, here you can still set the screen edge and to adjust the workspace.
Tweak Workspace
Display login window using LightDM that have been modified to follow the user's background, In addition you can also tweak the grid draw, play the login sound or theme to change the login window.
Tweak Settings Login
As I mentioned before, the addition of four features, namely: the App Center, Source Center, Templates and Scripts.
Addition of Four Features
In the Application Center displays Installed Apps, you can see the common applications that are used and installed here.
Tweak Application Center
In the Source Center is integrated with PPA Purge feature, if you do not like the PPA, or want to downgrade safely, then select the PPA in question and click the Purge button PPA.
Tweak Source Center
Quicklists Editor, if you frequently use the tools Unity Launcher is a very nice feature. You can add and arrange the icons are pinned on the Launcher. For example, you add an item to the SSH terminal that can be used for the SSH session when called directly rolled into SSH sessions without having to open a terminal first.
Tweak Editor Quiclist
On the computer Janitor has some improvements: cleaning cache the application becomes much easier because it can be done by category, you can do the cleaning cache for a particular application, showing the size of the cache every item clearly.
Tweak Computer Janitor
 In general, Ubuntu Tweak 0.7 is ready for use both Ubuntu LTS 12.04 and 11.10 and derivatives such as Ubuntu Linux Mint or Pinguy etc. To download and install Ubuntu Tweak 0.7 using the following command in terminal: 
  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa 
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak
Via : BeLocus

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